You Are Our Mission !
You Are Our Mission !
Our mission: is to provide top tier quality community services for all of your everyday testing needs..
Our Vision: is to be all for your success in every endeavor & pursuit. Dedicated to serving integrity & ensuring excellence in providing solutions for any problem...
No matter the job, situation or circumstance, we are here for YOU.
Call “1866-A1-TESTS”
Services Provided:
We are all for your success locally & globally.. No matter where you are or who you are. Feel free to Get Immigration Testing for identity, ice & citizenship purposes (legal only)..
Immigration Testing
Beneficiary or Paternity Testing
Rather dead or alive, trust us to ensure any legal housing deeds, trusts transfers and/or paternity tests are conducted with integrity and respect for all participants.
Prenatal Health and Genetics Testing
Miracles do still happen... No matter the circumstances be at peace knowing your babies health thru DNA analysis to detect genetic mutations, disorders & birth defects.
“Join Our”
“ What’s In Those Genes”
Referral & Affiliate Program.
Refer (5) people that need any testing services and “A1 Testing Solutions” will give you a complimentary (4)day (3) night vacation at your choice of a resort style stay within the southeastern region.
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“Free Vacation”
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“#1 Partners Choice”